In a traditional Acupuncture treatment, we perform an evaluation using a tongue exam, pulse reading, and/or abdominal palpation combined with an intake questionnaire including a set of questions about your body's systems. After this initial process you can expect a tailored treatment focusing on your specific needs. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles to specific points on the body for treatment of various ailments. For optimal results one of the below or a combination may be applied-
This initial treatment entails a thorough evaluation to discuss history, family history and current concerns followed by a tailored treatment.
A tongue, pulse and abdominal diagnosis followed by a tailored treatment.
A tongue, pulse and abdominal diagnosis followed by a tailored treatment. Full front and back treatment.
A traditional acupuncture session including a facial examination, facial acupuncture and a complete facial for your skin type. Facial acupuncture is an anti-aging treatment which relaxes the muscles of the face and boosts collagen to reduce wrinkles. It also increases circulation and boosts elastin to firm and tone the face and promotes detoxification leaving you with a clearer, more even complexion.
Adds 15 minutes to scheduled treatment
This addition service helps to boost benefits by stimulating muscles, increasing blood flow and promoting lymphatic drainage. Helps to decreases fine lines and wrinkles and encourages collagen production and elasticity of the skin.
In this add on session we target the stimulation of acupuncture points to promote relaxation, stress reduction and the release of scalp tension. Essential oils are optional.
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